Sharing Your Story

CKM provides a dynamic digital storytelling platform for WOC in higher education. If you have a CKM story to share we hope that you will complete the form below. We define Career Killing Moves (CKM) as intentional decisions that Women of Color (WOC) make to redesign the professional standards derived from white patriarchal ideologies that fail to cultivate authenticity and empowerment. Share your story below.

CKM Submissions

CKM will meet monthly to read submissions and determine where your story fits best.  Your stories should highlight personal experiences, learned-lessons, and strategies that have shaped your navigation in higher education as an administrator, faculty, or student. The more stories our CKM community shares, the more affirmation, validation and support WOC can experience.

CKM submissions consist of the following:

  • Blog Submission (500-700 words) - Blog posts can be reflective in nature and can also draw on specific areas of research as they pertain to your topic. If your submission is selected, the CKM team will provide constructive feedback and kudos for authoring a thought provoking piece. Click here to see the “CKM Blog Entry Guidelines and Examples of Current Blogs”.

  • SolidariTEA Dialogue Topics (50-100 words) - The CKM team will host virtual dialogue spaces for WOC to talk about what is most important to them. If you would like to see a certain topic covered, please provide a topic and short description of your proposed topic. Also indicate if you would like to co-facilitate the discussion.

  • “From the Heart” Instagram Message (140 characters) - The CKM team loves to post words of wisdom, small anecdotes, and affirmation statements. Please submit a message no longer than 140 characters that can be shared with our community @true_ckm. We will credit you and tag you (by using your Instagram handle), if your submission is selected. If you would like our community to view images or videos, please email us at,